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All translations - cristina_manoli

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83Source language83
Engleski Only when the last tree has been cut down, Only...
Only when the last tree has been cut down,
Only when the last river has been poisoned,
Only when the last fish has been caught,
Then only will you see that money cannot be eaten.

Cree Indian Prophecy
(Extra request : Please use both Cree script and the Latin characters, in order to know how to pronounce it, thank you.)

Completed translations
Svedski Först när det sista trädet huggits ned
Bugarski Само когато последното дърво бъде отсечено
Francuski Prophétie
Portugalski brazilski Profecia Cree
Spanski Sólo así...
Ruski Только после того, как..
Italijanski Solo quando l'ultimo albero sarà stato abbattuto...
Madjarski Csak amikor az utolsó fát kivágták
Grcki Μόνο όταν...
Albanski Vetëm kur të pritet edhe druri i fundit, Vetëm...
Poljski Proroctwo Indian Kri
Holandski Profetie
Rumunski Doar atunci când ultimul copac va fi fost doborât...
Srpski tek kada se poseče poslednje drvo, tek...
Litvanski Kai tik paskutinis medis bus nukirstas, Kai tik...
Danski Først, når dest sidste træ er blevet fældet,...
Hebrejski רק כשיכרת אחרון העצים
Farsi-Persijski jezik حفظ محیط زیست
Mongolski Ухаарал
Norveski Først nåtr det siste tre er hogget ned, Først...
Afrikaans Slegs wanneer die laaste boom afgekap is, Slegs...
Esperanto Nur kiam la lasta arbo estos hakita
Kineski pojednostavljeni 只有当最后一棵树被砍伐,只有当最后一条河被污染,只有当最后一条鱼被捕捞,那时你才明白钱不是一切。 印度克里人预言
Nemacki Erst wenn
Ukrajinski Тільки коли ...
Kineski 只有當最後一棵樹被砍伐……
Finski Vasta sitten, kun viimeinenkin puu on kaadettu
Arapski فقط عندما
Katalonski Sols quan el darrer arbre haurà estat tallat, Sols...
Source language
Engleski relatii publice
if a resonable and commercially acceptable compromise is within reach we must use all our skills to achievet it trough negotiation.

Completed translations
Rumunski relatii publice
Source language
Turski recep ivedik 2
İlk filmde bi cüzdan bulup yollara düşen Recep İvedik bu filmde ise ninesinin ölmeden önceki 3 isteğini gerçekleştirmek için çaba sarfediyor.
Bonjour, pourriez-vous traduire ce texte?

Completed translations
Engleski While Recep Ä°vedik sets off after ...
Rumunski Plecând, Recep Ivedik,
Source language
Engleski Make Check Payable To
Make Check Payable To

Completed translations
Rumunski A se plăti acest cec către
Source language
Engleski Like all Englishmen, the colonists were familiar...
Like all Englishmen, the colonists were familiar with written documents as barriers to encroaching power. “Anxious to preserve and transmit” their liberties “unimpaired to posterity”, the English people had repeatedly “caused them to be reduced to writing, and in the most solemn manner to be recognized, ratified and confirmed,” first by king John., then Henry III and Edward I, and “afterwards by a multitude of corroborating acts, reckoned in all, by Lord Cook, to be thirty-two, from Edw.1st to Henry 4th, and since, in a variety of instances, by the bills of right and acts of settlement.” Moreover, America’s own past was filled with written charters to which the colonists had continually appealed in imperial disputes-charters or grants from the Crown which by the time of the Revolution had taken on an extraordinary importance in American eyes.
Thank you very much. :)

Completed translations
Francuski Comme tous les anglais, les colons étaient coutumiers
Rumunski Ca toți englezii, coloniștii erau familiarizați
Source language
Engleski All I want to say is..
All I want to say is..

Completed translations
Rumunski Ceea ce aș vrea eu să spun este...